Ausschreibungen in Ägypten
- Bauprojekte

Construction work, expanding and paving the roads in Balina district - Dar Al-Salam


Tender/Auction Number: 1913 (2020/2021)
Organization: Sohag Governorate
Open Date: 18-10.2020
Close Date: 01-11-2020 12:00 p.m.

Type: Public Tender
Category: Local
Accept Partition: No
Alternative Offers: No
Qualification System: Pass/Fail

RFP Price for large companies: 400 EGP
Primary Insurance: 100.000 EGP
Activities: General construction

For more information please contact:
Sohag Governorate
Email: a.fatah426(at)
Phone Number: +2 093460505